Relocate to Wishek, ND!

It's no secret that you typically make more money working in a large community than in a small one. Many young people seeking their first full-time job leave their home town and head to the "Big City." They often find that it costs considerably more to live in a large city, and the salary they make doesn't afford them the standard of living they were expecting. Still, we are a mobile society, and whatever the reasons young people move away, we wish them well.

A recent article published in the New York Times reminds young people that living in small town U.S.A. may not be as bad as the stereotypes would have a person believe.

Rural communities are seeing more and more that people are tiring of the high crime rate, traffic, and volume of large city life. Seriously big city folks, your city is incredibly loud.  The slower pace and peacefulness that small town life has to offer is attractive.

Often times, a family can live equally well in a small community on less money, primarily because the cost of housing is much (MUCH) lower. Just check out Salwei Real Estate to get an idea for how affordable life is out here.  Rental housing is also available and is much less expensive than in large communities. Rental costs per month in Wishek typically range from $300 to $550.

Liveability reports that the median income in Wishek is $48,000 and median home value is $59,300.  That says a lot about the cost of living!

A community like Wishek often attracts retirees. A homeowner in a large city with equity in their home may experience a financial windfall by selling their city home and relocating to Wishek.  Purchasing a home in Wishek will be a fraction of the cost in a large city. The potential for establishing a comfortable nest egg with the monetary gain from changing your latitude is real!

Recapping why you might consider relocating to Wishek:
• affordable housing;
• great recreation and entertainment opportunities;
• progressive, prideful community;
• good medical care with a hospital, clinic, ambulance service, and living center for retirees;
• close proximity to Bismarck, Jamestown, and Aberdeen, SD;
• pleasant springs, summers (low humidity, very few 90 degree days) and delightful falls;
• no traffic jams, although Google Maps will still tell you every day that there is "Light Traffic in Your Area" which makes us smile;
• low crime rate;
• you can walk to Sauerkraut day;